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Ιmport, distribution, marketing and promotion of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
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Pharmall represents pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of medical devices originating from the EU and the US, either through its
own, well-established channel all over the world, or through its strong local partners in the targeted markets.


It focuses on:
import – distribution – marketing – promotion
ensuring a high-quality standard of supply to the emerging markets that might frequently face shortages.


With its persisting efforts and close follow-up of the needs and requirements of the emerging markets, Pharmall has managed to strongly establish the presence of the companies it represents, not only through the private market, but also through the governmental – tender market, whereby the success growth in the past few years has been remarkable.


There are many reasons why Pharmall is the best partner for you.

With headquarters in Athens and a hands-on local presence in the major markets it operates in, Pharmall answers all of your needs for a strong, trustworthy and efficient partner, as it offers to all the companies it represents:


• rounded solutions

• full coverage of the urgent need for high quality, reliable pharmaceutical products and medical devices in emerging markets

• expansion of the presence of the renowned pharmaceutical companies in markets that have high barriers to entry with minimal exposure

We have achieved a lot!

• Pharmall has fully established and developed the market of Iraq, in both the hospital and private sectors, offering constant growth to the companies it represents by enhancing their sales in the private market but also by growing their business in the hospital sector by successfully bidding for tenders based on a carefully studied approach.


• It strongly enhances and supports the companies it represents by selecting the right partners based on the products and the objectives of each party.


• It expands the activities beyond the MENA markets, by generating new opportunities  in Asian and African territories for its partners.


Whether you are interested in the private market or the hospital market, Pharmall is the answer.

For the private
market, Pharmall:

• Undertakes a thorough market study and competition analysis prior to each new entry
• Deploys its resourceful teams for efficient registration, launch, product placement and marketing, and post-marketing follow-up, including PV
• Closely follows-up on the development of each product and monitoring of sales and stock from the company’s warehouse system
• Sets up direct and frequent meetings for full coverage, update of the situation and suggestions for new developments and opportunities.

For the hospital
market, Pharmall:

• Offers a to the point proposal for the companies’ participation based on market intelligence and understanding of the government’s needs
• Fully supports and prepares answering all of the tender requirements for a fully compliant participation
• Provides for a detailed follow-up through the local team to maximize success rates
• Designs the planning of timelines for delivery and coordination with local teams to ensure compliance
• Offers solutions to lower the barriers to entry for companies that wish to avoid high-risk supplies.


Pharmall maintains long lasting relationships with the companies it represents because it is always evolving to match new requirements and emerging needs.

For the future, Pharmall is focusing on:

• Further covering the supplying needs of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and physicians by increasing the range of supply but also by obtaining a systemic feedback on the local needs


• Expanding its presence of Pharmall in additional territories across the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, offering growth to the companies it represents through a reliable and highly achieving network.


Contact us

Please drop us a message
for your queries and proposals.